Dance story

Sydney Dance Company

Sydney Dance Company
Sydney Dance Company

Sydney Dance Company

Sydney Dance Company

Artistic Director  Rafael Bonachela

Web Company


Sydney Dance Company began as a group founded in 1969 by dancer Suzanne Musitz. Soon known as The Dance Company (NSW), from 1975-1976 the Company was directed by Dutch choreographer Jaap Flier, before the appointment of Australian choreographer Graeme Murphy in 1976. In 1979 Murphy and his partner Janet Vernon instituted the defining name change to Sydney Dance Company and proceeded to lead it for a remarkable 30 years. Murphy and his collaborators created work that enthralled audiences in Australia and in extensive international touring, including being the first western contemporary dance company to perform in the People’s Republic of China.

Sydney Dance Company has been led since 2009 by Spanish-born Artistic Director Rafael Bonachela. Over the past years the Company has cemented its reputation as a creative powerhouse, with an acclaimed group of dancers presenting new work by Bonachela and other choreographers, stage designers, composers and musicians. The Company has expanded its reach into the towns and cities it visits with workshops for schools and local dancers.

Since 1986 the Company has been a resident of the purpose-built studios at The Wharf in Sydney’s Walsh Bay, 7 minutes from the city’s famed Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney Opera House.

Performances organised by Mondigromax:


Choreography: Rafael Bonachela

Music: Original score by Nick Wales

July 2, 3 & 4, 2019
Mercat de les Flors. Festival GREC’19, Barcelona


ab [intra], meaning ‘from within’ in Latin is ‘an exploration of our primal instincts, our impulses and our visceral responses’, says choreographer Rafael Bonachela. From tenderness to turmoil, ab [intra] is a journey of intense human existence that will command your attention.

The music fuses lush cello concerto with ambient electronica and the exquisite dancers occupy a visually arresting ethereal world. This is a ferociously physical and heartfelt piece that will stay with you long after you leave the theatre.


Press quotes

Sydney Dance Company’s ab [intra] opened to rave reviews in Sydney in 2018 and is ‘contemporary dance at its most evocative and beautiful’ (Time Out ★★★★).

ab [intra] has to be seen to be believed’ (SMH ★★★★). Don’t miss this electrifying journey showcasing Australia’s best contemporary dancers.

★★★★ “… the bodies vibrate like so many sensitive chords in this choreography full of energy, sensations and expressive virtuosity.” – Theatre Online (France)

“…the spectacle of these very high-level dancers… is breathtakingly poetic and beautiful. The figures are sometimes acrobatic, the breaths are short and the skin sparkles with sweat, but what happens on stage is nevertheless, for a little over an hour, of an almost incomprehensible fluidity and softness. And the public, fascinated, applauds standing. Run there!” – Le Point (France)

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