Editorial Mondigromax

Per precaució

Per precaució (As a precaution)
Raquel García-Tomás

Per precaució

Monodrama for voice (soprano) and harp

Music            Raquel García-Tomás

Libretto         Victoria Szpunberg

Year of composition 2020

Duration       20 mins.

Language      Catalan

A production of Òpera de Butxaca i Nova Creació – ÒBNC, coproduction with Gran Teatre del Liceu

Raquel García-Tomás Web page

Online streamed premiere on November 15 to 22, 2020

Live premiere on July 12 & 13, 2023, Ateneu Barcelonès, within the frame of GREC’23 Festival de Barcelona

Raquel García-Tomás together with Victoria Szpunberg give voice to a grandmother that fights against the inevitable and resists being locked up by her relatives in a nursing home. They’ve told her that it’s best to take her there as a precaution, but she doesn’t want to hear about it. From her rocking chair, she prefers to relive memories of a bright past and prepares to accept death, which she only wants to be at home, among the furniture and objects that have accompanied her all her life.

This piece should have premièred at the Gran Teatre del Liceu in the autumn of 2020, but the restrictions imposed due to the pandemic meant that it could only be streamed. It is part of Sis Solos Soles, an Òpera de Butxaca i Nova Creació (ÒBNC) project which unites six monodramas for female voice and instrumentalist into a single performance. It was commissioned from six different librettist-composer teams.  While exploring the bowels of a theatre, the audience should discover, through a sort of intimate confession, the tales underlying the different voices which are trapped in their respective home environments.


Score Per precaució. 49 pages. Editorial Mondigromax

Per precaució 


July 12 & 13, 2023
Live premiere
Ateneu Barcelonès
GREC’23 Festival de Barcelona


Artistic & production team

Mezzosoprano                                Maria Dolors Aldea
Harp                                                  José Antonio Domené at the online premiere 2020
                                                                         Esther Pinyol at the premiere July 12 & 13, 2023
Music director                                Francesc Prat
Stage director                                Marc Rosich
Stage design and lighting          Laura Clos ‘Closca’
Costumes and make-up            Núria Llunell
Assistant to the director              Jordi Pérez Solé
Space assistant                                  Sergi Corbera
Executive producer                            Clàudia Robert
Doctoral placement ÒBNC         Daniel Blanco
ÒBNC communication                   Ester Cánovas
Administration                                    Mònica Arús
ÒBNC directors                                     Dietrich Grosse, Marc Rosich


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