Barcelona > Berlin

Neuköllner Oper Berlin


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


Neuköllner Oper Berlin - DIE ZAUBERFLÖTE - DEI FURBI, 2015

Die Zauberflöte
Dei Furbi Variations



Artistic director: Gemma Beltran
Duration: 70 min.

Premiere March 7, 2013 at Espai Brossa, Barcelona

German premiere July 12, 2015 at Neuköllner Oper, Berlin


Web company


We are in front a free adaptation of Mozart’s opera The Magic Flute by the Company Dei Furbi, under the subtitle Dei Furbi Variations. A version of theater and a cappella music. That means, only voices. The instrumental part takes place through the voices and songs of the performers in polyphonies adapted and original for this proposal.

It is therefore a combination of theater and music in which the stage space is resolved based on the synthesis of Mozart’s opera. Staging The Magic Flute with joy and delight is one of the milestones of the Dei Furbi company’s.

It should be noted that some fragments of the original work which are usually deleted in regular performances, here have been used.

For Dei Furbi, the characters in the work are the only mirrors in which we can reflect ourselves.



The Magic Flute is a great symbolic fiction that culminates in a hymn of universal brotherhood.

Mozart expresses to us in a clean and precise way that it is thanks to the power of music (of art) that the characters will be able to happily go through the dark night of fear.

This idea, with which the Dei Furbi Company synthesizes Mozart’s work and which it chooses as a guiding thread, means that the absolutist speculation between Good and Evil can only be observed from its symbolic plane and as backdrop, to understand the behavior of our authentic protagonists who behind “the search for light” become contemporaries and ours.

However, Dei Furbi has peppered the set with a large dose of humor that makes this quality montage highly recommended for big lovers of banter and fun.


Winner of the Max Award 2014 for the best musical show (Spain). The Max Awards are released by the Spanish Society for Authors and Publishers (SGAE – Sociedad General de Autores y Editores de España), all members of the organization have the right to vote.

Performances organised by Mondigromax:

Die Zauberflöte
Dei Furbi Variations

Premiere July 12, 2015
Neuköllner Oper, Berlin

Artistic Team

Dramaturgy and direction Gemma Beltran
Musical direction David Costa
Actors & Actresses Toni Vinyals, Queralt Albinyana, Marc Pujol, Robert González, Anna Herebia and David Marcé (alternating Joana Estebanell and Marc Vilavella).
Musical arrangements Paco Viciana
Lighting David Bofarull
Stage space Ramon Ivars, Oscar Merino and Gemma Beltran
Costumes Ramon Ivars and Gemma Beltran
Balinese masks
Costume design by Elisa Echegaray and Maria Albadalejo



With the collaboration of ATRIUM Viladecans, Vol-Ras, Department of Culture of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Institut Ramon Llull and NEUKÖLLNER OPER BERLIN, (Germany) and SGAE.


Acknowledgments: Barcelona Theater Institute, Vol-Ras,, Josep Maria Martí, Claudio Zulian, Jacobo Sucari, Alberto Fregenal, Mabel, Montse Guallar, Marta Figueras, Roger Julià, Jorge Bernárdez, Gilbert Bosch, Lluís San Andrés, Dietrich Grosse and David Marcé.

Press quotes:

Dei Furbi in Berlin *****

It doesn’t always have to be just big set theater to convince. The group of only six young actors with very pronounced playing talents shows this in the 70-minute performance of Mozart’s Magic Flute played at breakneck speed. A real Singspiel, as the composer himself called it…

The audience appreciated these really very amusing 70 minutes with thunderous applause – absolutely rightly so. OPERNNETZ


” Die Zauberflöte”: Guest performance by Dei Furbi at the Neuköllner Opera

BERLIN, 02/08/2015

In July and August, the theater group Dei Furbi around Gemma Beltran is showing their production of the folk theater “The Magic Flute” by W.A. Mozart. Dei Furbi is renowned for the vitality, energy and rhythm of her pieces, which blend physicality and dance, a cappella singing, fencing and masque with classical drama full of comedy and humanity.

Die Zauberflöte<br />
Dei Furbi Variations<br />
Die Zauberflöte<br />
Dei Furbi Variations<br />
Neuköllner Oper Berlin - DIE ZAUBERFLÖTE - DEI FURBI, 2015
Die Zauberflöte<br />
Dei Furbi Variations<br />

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