Premiere > Barcelona


Marcel·lí Antúnez


Marcel·lí Antúnez Roca


Marcel·lí Antúnez Roca - POL, 2002

POL (2002)

Marcel·lí Antúnez Roca

Mechatronic Performance

A Mechatronic story for five Robots, a panoramic screen and two performers wearing Dreskeletons (Exoskeletal Body Interfaces).


Web Marcel·lí Antúnez

POL is a story told by means of a mechatronic performance. It is an ironic and poetic fable for all ages, a scenic mutation resulting from the meshing of machines, images, sounds and performers. Initially POL was inspired by traditional European tales. We chose this genre simply because of its narrative form, and not out of any sort of fidelity to a tradition nor from a wishful throwback to stories heard in childhood. Traditional stories tend to have an economy of structure, a narrative rhythm and a sequence of events, and these magical, unexpected, and disconcerting events are ideal for the construction of a personal visual world. They also reveal unexpected responses in the reactions to this show.

POL is not based on any popular story in particular. The story recounts the erratic wanderings of a rabbit searching for love. The loss of his milk teeth, a biological childhood event and a physiological change similar to others that happen in later life, becomes one of the reasons for the journey. The search for love is the other. His adventures lead to his finding his new teeth and in the end, love. At the same time these adventures raise archetypal passions and fears: an aversion towards dirt, violent euphoria, the fear of infection and narcotic nightmares.

POL takes place in a rectangular space. At the back there is a panoramic backdrop made up of three vertical screens. Onstage five robots and two performers wander about. The interactive and interdisciplinary structure of POL is possible thanks to dedicated software, written specifically for this work. This software enables the sensors to be linked with the images, sounds and the robots. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional interactive images form the luxuriant visual backdrop projected on the screen. Just as in Aphasia, the interaction in POL highlights the storyline.


July 18 to 20, 2002
Mercat de les Flors, Grec Summer Festival 2002, Barcelona

Director and performer: Marcel·lí Antúnez Roca
Actor: Piero Steiner
Virtual actress: Silvia García
Music: Alain Wergifosse
Robots: Roland Olbeter
Computer graphics head: Alvaro Uña
Software: Jesus de la Calle
Costumes: Josep Abril
Lights: Ramón Rey
Dreskeletons & technical scene: EBA-studio (Christian Konn, Carlos Jovellar)
3D Team: SU-Studio (Marko Brajovic, Richard Porcher, Stefanie Alice Vandendriessche and Luka Brajovic)
Technical Head: Paco Beltran
Assistant Director: Joan Baixas
Management: Marta Oliveres-MOM
Producer: Dietrich Grosse-MONDIGROMAX

Make-up: Gema Planchadell, Samanta Crescente
Lighting technicians: Ramón Rey & Carlos Lucena
Cameraman: Antoni Anglada, Laura Sigon
Atrezzo: Nico Nubiola
Image assistant: Nicolás García Fernández
Sound: José Ignacio Ortuzar
Direction assistant: Maria Torrent
Extras: David Zehnter; Silvia Adell; Marta Canals; Judith Hombravella; José Espinosa; Paul Rose; Naira Bajo González; Raquel Deville; Noemi Ramos; Paul Rose; Alvaro Uña; Nacho Vilaró; Eva Vázquez.

Computer Graphics bit maps: David Aja, Marcel·lí Antúnez
Flash animation: Nacho Vilaro, Eva Vázquez
Flash Editor: Angelika Orf, Gaetano Mangano
Photo: Darius Koehli
Video editing & 3D models: Nicolás García
Graphic assistant: Marcelo Dematei, Gerard Bosch, Silvia Adell, Lluís Alba and Cristina Torron
MIDI programmer: Eugenio Tisselli
Sound movies: Mitos Colom
Plot: Marcel·lí Antúnez Roca, Luís Miguel Rubio
Programmer assistant: Joan Coll
Technical assistant: Ziggy Durand
Hard communications: Jordi Montoya
Midi File robots: Sebastian Harms
Zoobots sculptress: Esterina Zarrillo
Atrezzo & Puppet: Nico Nubiola
Props: Maravillas sccl
Communication: Neus Purtí
Office: Toñi Santos

Tanks: Begoña Egurbide, Adelaida, Alvar, José Espiau & Gori Casas.


POL produced by PANSPERMIA S.L. and Festival d’Estiu de Barcelona Grec 2002, Mercat de les Flors, MEDIA-EUROPA and Fira de Teatre de Tàrrega. Supported by: Institut Català de les Indústries Culturals -ICIC de la Generalitat de Catalunya and SGAE.

Sponsors: FESTO, Josep Abril, Sanyo, Native Instruments, Vegap, New Balance, Fundición Ubach, Mecanitzats EBLAN

Marcel·lí Antúnez Roca - POL, 2002
Marcel·lí Antúnez Roca - POL, 2002
POL- Marcel·lí Antúnez Roca
POL- Marcel·lí Antúnez Roca
Marcel·lí Antúnez Roca - POL, 2002
POL- Marcel·lí Antúnez Roca<br />

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