Dance story

Gala Europa 2019

Gala Europa 2019
Gala Europa 2019

Gala Europa 2019: nuevos bailarines, nuevos coreógrafos

Gala Europa 2019: new dancers, new choreographers

Gala Europa 2019

Gala Europa 2019: new dancers, new choreographers

Slovenia, Italy, Sweden, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Germany

Duration: 90 min.


The Gala Europa 2019: new dancers, new choreographers has been designed taking into account the current situation of contemporary European ballet and its paths for the future, giving rise to the program for solo and pas de deux in its male and female variants or in that of two male dancers.

December 28 & 29, 2019
Teatros del Canal, Sala Verde, Madrid
Performance belonging to the XXXIV edition of the Madrid International Dance Festival.


As for the choreography, there are works by more established young choreographers and others devised by the dancers themselves who perform them. All this, with the idea of positioning the figure of the interpreter-choreographer, something increasingly on the rise and that takes up traditions of the founding European modern ballet.

Gala Europa 2019: new dancers, new choreographers

Slovenia, Italy, Sweden, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Germany

December 28 & 29, 2019
Teatros del Canal, Sala Verde, Madrid

Petar Dorcevski and Eduardo Comello. Slovenian National Ballet / Ljubljana Opera, Slovenia

Veronika Maritati. Royal New Zealand Ballet / GB Dance Co, Australia

Gabriele Rossi. Accademia Balletto di Roma / GB Dance Co, Australia

Nancy Osbaldeston, Daniel Domenech and Joseph Kudra. Ballet Vlaanderen / Vlaamse Opera Antwerpen, Belgium

Ismael del Valle and Tommy Cattin. Ballet Theatre Basel / Freelance dancers  / Switzerland

Veronika Kornova-Cardizzaro and Brian McNeal. Freelance dancers  / Mannheim, Germany

Stefano Giannetti. Dance Director of the Anhaltisches Theater Dessau, Germany. Guest Teacher

Gala Europa 2019
Gala Europa 2019

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