Editorial Mondigromax

Bazaar Cassandra

Bazaar Cassandra
Enric Palomar


Bazaar Cassandra

Opera with prologue and one act

Chamber opera

Music:    Enric Palomar
Libretto: Marc Rosich

Translation: from Catalan to German, Volker Glab

Year of composition: 2013-2014

Duration: 90 min.

Language: German

World premiere: October 9, 2014, at Neuköllner Oper Berlin (15 performances over three months)

Commission:  Neuköllner Oper Berlin, Goethe-Institut of Barcelona and Òpera de Butxaca i Nova Creació


What can Cassandra’s visionary myth tell us today about how should we face the future? Who could that Cassandra be today? She predicted the victory of the enemy and, as punishment, was despised and raped. What would happen if we placed Cassandra in our society of knowledge, running a bazaar of second-hand objects in a Berlin neighborhood?


Score Bazaar Cassandra. 336 pages. Not available. Editorial Mondigromax

Bazaar Cassandra

World premiere: October 9, 2014, at Neuköllner Oper Berlin (15 performances over three months)


Music Direction: Hans-Peter Kirchberg / Teresa Vilaplana-Maza
Stage Direction: Mario Portmann
Choreographer: Juliea Figueroa
Costumes: Stephan Testi
Dramaturgy: Bernhard Glocksin
Executive Production / Directing Assistant: Marion Meyer

Press Quotes:

The music by the Spanish composer Enric Palomar is entertaining and exciting. Soft and playful melody lines are followed by sharp-edged accents…
The Daily Mirror. 9.10.2014. Neuköllner Oper Berlin

Enric Palomar’s music is imaginative and powerful… in terms of artistic quality, in their language, precioso – magnificent!
… One leaves this opera moved, and the applause did not want to end when it was performed. Excellently done. ND

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